
Photo taken with a cellphone by Narciso Delgado Cabello from the Salinas Huito sector of Arequipa (Peru) on Saturday, June 17, 2006 at 8:00 hrs.
According to a report from the “Correo de Arequipa” newspaper submitted by Dr. Anthony Choy, the objects were seen for some seconds and appeared just as a couple photographed Arequipa’s tutelary volcanos – the Misti and the Chachani.
Silvana Chamba, Narciso Delgado’s companion, says that she was also able to see the possible UFOs over the volcanic summit. The witness is a memebr of the Regional Civil Defense Committee and took the photo with a Sagem X-7 cell phone.

To researcher Anthony Choy, this evidence is significant, since a similar photo was taken last week in the vicinity of the Ubinas Volcano, belonging to the same volcanic system as the Chachani, the difference being that the latter is presently dormant.
Dr. Anthony Choy
Diario “Correo de Arequipa”
Julio Berlanga, Enigmas PerĂș.
FotografĂa © Narciso Delgado Cabello
* Source: Ana Luisa Cid (IHU)
* Translation (c) 2006. Scott Corrales
Institute of Hispanic Ufology (IHU)
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