By Brian Vike
The American Chronicle

. . . It was exactly 10:45 p.m. on July, 29, 2002 when I was sitting watching a late movie when I saw a "HUGE", round white/yellowish object in color, traveling at approx: 600 miles per hour flying at low attitude (approx: 300 meters - altitude) through the Bulkley Valley below. From my distance, he said, the object was approximately the size of a pickup truck, he went on to say the actual size, in his estimation if he had been closer to it would have been more to the size of a school bus. The object traveled according to the witness, west to east. There was "no" sound at all, no reaction from his two dogs which were outside at the time the object passed by. I asked if there was a tail trailing it, he said no. It was completely round and very bright.
As I mentioned above, the Stewarts's farm sits approx: at a elevation of 3000 feet, and the Telkwa Mountain Range sits at approx: 3500 feet. The object was traveling below the top of the Telkwa range, and below the elevation the Stewart's farm. He also mentioned the object would have passed directly over top of Round Lake which can be seen 2 to 3 miles in the distance from the farm. . . .
More . . .See Also: UFOs Over Dryden
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