By Jim Klotz
On March 17, 2006, the website UFOPOP.org [Flying Saucers in Popular Culture] observed its first birthday.3-27-06
The purpose of UFOPOP is to preserve and display images of UFOs and Flying Saucers presented in various aspects of our "popular culture" including comic books, magazine and book covers, advertising and products, toys and games, and more.
Beginning with a thousand comic books, the site has grown to over 3,500 images and will soon open its Merchandising Gallery. A Toy Gallery will be added later this year, followed by a Miscellaneous gallery for those things which just don't fit in the other galleries.
If you are seriously interested in flying saucers, a student of popular culture, enjoy spacecraft artwork, or just want to stroll down memory lane, then you are invited to visit UFOPOP.org, the site Britain's Fortean Times Magazine called "Utterly Essential."
Site creators Jim Klotz and Les Treece-Sinclair invite visitors to return often as new items are constantly being added. Emails are also welcome [through the link at the site].
More . . .
See Also: "Millions of Americans Believe That Extraterrestrials Regularly Visit Earth"
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