Forget the Academy Awards. What's glitzier with more stars and out-of-this-world premiers?
PR Newswire
HOLLYWOOD, Calif., March 2 /PRNewswire/ -- Star-gazing A-Listers say the intergalactic action is actually in the middle of the desert at the world's largest UFO Congress and film festival. AND, the big red carpet news is the cosmic debut of go-go boot wearing aliens, cow abductions and a magic elixir straight out of the Milky Way.PR Newswire
Faster than a speeding spaceship, GOT MILK?'s new TV commercials boldly go where no dairy farmer has dared to go before.
Here's your chance to be a part of the intergalactic action for this hilarious new advertising campaign.
FEED DATE: THURSDAY, March 2nd 2006
FEED TIME: 19:00-19:15 PM EST (16:00-16:15 PST)
COORDINATES: SBS 6, Transponder 2 ku analog
DOWNLINK FREQ: 11749.5 MHz (V)
RE-FEED DATE: FRIDAY, March 3rd 2006
RE-FEED TIME: 11:00-11:15 AM EST (08:00-08:15 AM PST)
COORDINATES: SBS 6, Transponder 2 ku analog
DOWNLINK FREQ: 11749.5 MHz (V)
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: http://www.prnewswire.com/broadcast/23861/consumer.shtml
* 15th Annual UFO Congress & Film Festival in progress
* Recent UFO sighting footage
* Red carpet activity
* Alien Oscars statuette awards
* GOT MILK? premier at Congress
* Scientist interviews
* UFO scientist glamour shots
* Desert scenes
SOT: Script writers talking about winning an oscar; UFO Scientist
VIDEO PROVIDED BY: The California Milk Processor Board
More . . .
See Also: Phone Home: UFO Congress, Film Festival Coming To Laughlin
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