Thursday, January 05, 2006

Mexico: UFO Photographed Over Tepexpan

UFOs Over Tepexpan (A)
Luminous Spheres over Tepexpan, State of Mexico, Mexico

The Journal of Hispanic Ufology

     In the recent months of November and December 2005, renowned skywatcher Víctor Gabriel González González, reported on a number of occasions the sighting and recording of luminous spheres over the skies of Tepexpan in the State of Mexico.

     On the video from December 18 it is possible to see how smaller spheres emerge from a smaller one and appear to “disintegrate” in the atmosphere with an approximate two minute lapse between each ejection.

UFOs Over Tepexpan (B)

     Another remarkable aspect is that two spheres can be seen to merge and form a single unit, as can shown in this vidcap from December 10, 2005.

UFOs Over Tepexpan (C)

     According to the witness, the phenomenon in question can be witnessed between 5:30 and 6:30 pm, although he has also recorded them throughout the morning.

     These luminous spheres remain in the sky only a short while, approximately 20 minutes. They subsequently decrease their intensity until they vanish from sight.

     Other residents of the State of Mexico had already reported similar events and now, thanks to the tenacity of Victor Gabriel Gonzalez, we have a visual record of this enigmatic phenomenon. We estimate that the witness in question haz more than 10 videotapes involving the luminous spheres of Tepexpan.

* Source Profra. Ana Luisa Cid

* Translation (c) 2006. Scott Corrales
Institute of Hispanic Ufology (IHU)


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