Tuesday, January 03, 2006

ARGENTINA: Careful, There's a UFO On The Road

UFO Seen Through Bus Window
The Journal of Hispanic Ufology

A bus traveling from Cordoba to San Luis was forced to stop due to the presence of a flying saucer on the road. A passenger says everyone got out to take a look at the phenomenon.

     A woman claimed having seen a UFO last Friday on the route linking the province of Cordoba with San Luis, while she traveled as a passenger in a microbus belonging to the Andesmar Company.

     The passenger said that during the night, the bus stopped along the light facing an enormous light and that other passengers and drivers got out of the vehicle to witness the event.

     "The time was 21:45 and the bus suddenly stopped. Upon looking down the aisle, I noticed a huge light in the middle of the road. I immediately jumped out of my seat and saw something that I will never forget: a cone-shaped light in the middle of the road," the passenger told the El Liberal newspaper.

     Later on, the woman said that she felt herself overcome by a sensation of peace and curiosity, to the extent that she began taking photos of the object with her digital camera.

     "Suddenly, the object was enveloped in a bluish-white light and started to spin like a top and rise straight up, lighting the landscape like daytime. In the measure that it ascended, it issued colored lights in intense phosphorescent shades. It suddenly disappeared to become a glowing dot. I immediately began perceiving an odor of heated metal that blended with a very particular smell resembling sulfur," remarked the traveler.

* SOURCE: Infobae.com and Planeta UFO

* Translation (c) 2006. Scott Corrales
Institute of Hispanic Ufology (IHU)


The following is just in from Luis Eduardo Pacheco of Proyecto Stratocat:

"The news item in question was published today by INFOBAE.COM reprinting what was published by the El Liberal newspaper from Santiago del Estero.

"It should be made clear that the ANDESMAR bus line has not issued at this time any communiqué, nor was one issued by the Cordoba or San Luis police authorities. It is not possible to conduct any further investigations because the information does not specifiy the exact place that the sighting occurred. In spite of this, I sent a message to the ANDESMAR bus line, headquartered in the city of Mendoza, asking if the crew of the bus in question had filed a report. As soon as this information is obtained I will pass it along.

"The only information available at the time is the account furnished by Miryan Coronel, a passenger aboard the vehicle, who was heading toward the town of Loreto in Santiago del Estero, planning to spend New Years Eve with her relatives. If anyone has any additional information, it would be interesting to have it made known in order to have more specific data on this sighting."

Inexplicata will continue to report any follow-up to this alleged UFO landing in Argentina.

Scott Corrales

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