Friday, December 02, 2005

...Good News -- Plus!

Alfred Lehmberg
By Alfred Lehmberg

     My dear Mother made the disclosure to the first internet buddy calling me on the telephone. She did it out of concern and fear for what she knew was a sympathetic ear, but it was a disclosure none the less, and I'd have soon we kept it to ourselves.

Why? Think about it... I don't want a reader to have any excuses, and it's largely my business anyway. It not like I'm an airline pilot or a neurosurgeon.

She didn't know. Otherwise distracted, I didn't think to tell her not to. So, I won't remotely feel like she blabbed. Her heart was in the right place, yea and verily.

It remains that the news is out, though, so I'm going to turn it into a disclosure of my own... ...and a good thing. For reasons I'll go into, it's good news for you, reader, even as you might perceive that it's bad news for me. It's good news for me, though, too.

Seriously! I mean that.

More . . .


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