A UFO Flew Over The Skies of Oruro For One Hour Saturday
It Was Filmed By A Citizen
La Patria
La Patria- An Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) flew over Oruro at dawn yesterday for approximately one hour. It was filmed by citizen Gustavo Ponce.It Was Filmed By A Citizen
La Patria
Ponce noticed the object at 1:30 in the morning, which he described as a yellowish light; his curiosity motivated him to get a pair of binoculars as to get a better view of the object.
Realizing the peculiarity of his sighting he grabbed a camera and proceeded to film the object. Ponce claimed to never have witnessed anything so unusual in the city before.La Patria visited Mr. Ponce and verified the images captured on film by him. It was observed to change it’s shape.
Mr. Ponce doesn’t enjoy his celebrity after seeing the UFO due to the skeptical nature of the public in regards to the phenomenon.
* Roughly Translated By FW
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