Tales from the swamp
By Ross A. Muscato
The Boston Globe
. . . Going back to the early 1900s, there have been several reported sightings of UFOs in the vicinity of the swamp. On Halloween night in 1908, two undertakers on their way from West Bridgewater to Bridgewater said they saw in the sky what looked like a giant lantern, and they watched it hover for nearly 40 minutes. Swirling lights have also been seen above the swamp near the Raynham-Taunton Greyhound Park.By Ross A. Muscato
The Boston Globe
Area resident Courtney Cullen says she saw what she believes was a UFO in the summer of 1999 while at a cookout in Bridgewater near Lake Nippenicket, a good portion of which is in the Hockomock Swamp.
''Suddenly there was noise, wicked loud," Cullen recalls. ''And next there were lights in the sky; no color but just bright lights. They were descending fast, like coming straight at the house behind where we were at the cookout. And just as it seemed that the lights were going to crash into the house, they darted sideways at this unbelievable speed and soon they just disappeared.
''But what I also remembered is that soon after we saw the lights, more than one helicopter appeared in the sky, in the area of where the lights were." . . .
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