World War II Mystery in Sierras
An unexpected discovery high in the Sierra may help solve a World War II mystery.KGO TV 7
Two ice climbers scaling near Mount Mendell in King's Canyon National Park have found what is apparently the body of a missing Army flyer. The unidentified airman's plane disappeared during a routine training flight in 1942.
The wreckage was discovered, along with the bodies of four other crewmen in 1947.
Don Ginther, Veterans Affairs department: "If he was wearing his dog tags like he should, and he was killed in the crash, his dog tags should still be around his neck, and they'll have his name his service number and they're will be records of it."
The climbers didn't report finding any dog tags - which doesn't mean they're not somewhere nearby.
A park police team will remain at the crash site until the body is recovered.
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