The truth is out there
By Chris Damdar
The Varsity Online
You sure do, according to speakers at a symposium held at Convocation Hall on Sunday morning, and run by the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), a US-based UFO watchgroup.
Ufologist Richard Dolan reviewed the UFO cover-up from the 40s to the present citing documents implicating the CIA, FBI, and US military. "We have documents that do prove these objects are real and have been engaged. We have pretty good reason to believe things have been recovered and studied," he said.
Dolan claimed to know where the government obtained the money or 'black budget' to develop alien technologies. "The real black budget is illegal money....It's easy to see connections with drug trafficking like heroin and cocaine."
Nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman attacked the "lies" of the US government, including the claim that unexplained sightings could probably be attributed to conventional technology.
" Let's get real. Do you think aliens from other stars know about technology we don't know? No? What incredible arrogance we have," stated Friedman.
Like Dolan, Friedman showed many documents from state officials purporting to demonstrate the government's involvement with covering up UFO's. "Everyone expects the government to lie," he said.
The symposium's featured speaker was the Honourable Paul Hellyer, former Canadian minister of national security under Lester Pearson. Hellyer described his first contact with UFOs as he sat around a campfire with friends and his late wife.
"A bright light appeared in the sky and appeared to zig and zag across the horizon. Some thought it was an airplane," he said.
Recently, the book The Day After Roswell by Colonel Phillip Corso "sparked my interest," said Hellyer. "Commercial airline pilots, military pilots, police, public officers all swear they had encountered UFOs. Why would they say that if they didn't believe what they were saying?"
Hellyer claimed America is working to deploy alien weapons. "The US has developed the aliens' own weapons to the point they can be used against the aliens from space....What crimes have they committed? They may have abducted a few people but they haven't killed anyone."
In an interview with The Varsity, Hellyer offered advice to U of T students: "Do your own research. And don't necessarily accept what governments tell you. Think things through."
The symposium's last speaker was Stephen G. Bassett, a conspiracy theorist who described the present day as "Secret Empire."
"The Secret Empire is the sum total of the entire intelligence of the USA including intelligence agencies and underground facilities....They've read Orwell too many times and take it too seriously."
Bassett implored Canadians to get the truth about aliens. "I call on the citizens of Canada to ask their government that it bring this information out to you, the public....I ask the Canadian government to break ranks with the US government on this issue," he said.
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