By Peter George
The Boston Globe
Regarding ''Close Encounter Revisited" (Globe North, Sept. 1): I read ''Incident at Exeter" in the mid '70s as a teenager in Massachusetts, and even though I'm extremely skeptical about the existence of UFOs, I never say never.The Boston Globe
What made ''Incident" so interesting to me, other than the fact that it happened nearby, was the corroboration of Norman Muscarello's story by the police officers.
Yet while I continue to believe they saw something, I can't help but think it might have been a test craft from Pease Air Force Base.
I thought Barney and Betty Hill's story had much less credibility, and in the many books about UFOs around that time, many of the photos seemed possibly doctored, although a few were very compelling.
With UFOs in general, I think the aspect of the unknown is extremely intriguing to people, and makes it fun for anyone to speculate. There aren't nearly as many UFO reports these days, so I think some of those during the craze were made up.
One thing I have never seen is a picture of Norman Muscarello; although that would not have swayed my opinion either way, I think it would have been interesting.
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