The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
*** An Alert in San Lorenzo ***
El Litoral
*** Woman reports seeing unidentified flying object near San Lorenzo. Notified duty officer at Empedrado Prefecture and the search commenced immediately. According to witness, who was driving along Route 12 at around 6:30 a.m., a brightness lit up the road. It was a fireball in free-fall, she said.
Elements fo the Provincial Police, the National Gendarmes and the Naval Prefecture carried out a broad joint operation in the jurisdiction of Saladas, near San Lorenzo, in order to determine the truth of a complaint made by a woman who, driving toward that area, saw a fireball falling toward the ground bordering the Parana River.
According to the report, filed yesterday at 6:30 a.m at the Empedrado barracks of the Naval Prefecture, the glow moved from southeast to northwest. "It was a fireball, like a small plane disintegrating after an explosion."
This was description given of the UFO that the driver gave to the Prefecture duty officer. Elements immediately reported this to the San Lorenzo Sherriff's Office and the combing operation and information sharing began shortly after. The Gendarmerie also provided a support group.
The sun was not quite up when the uniformed personnel made their way across the alleged impact zone. They inspected the fields adjacent to the river, the ranches and all of the San Lorenzo rural area, but no one found traces of the object sought.
Most of the locals were interrogated but none of them even heard their dogs bark. For this reason the unsuccessful field operation was transferred to the communication rooms of the teams involved in the operation.
It was then that the story fo a member of the road control police of Cuatro Bocas (Saladas) became known. Accoridng to this police officer, an eyewitness to the event, the glow truly existed, but at a greater height than a private plane can reach in flight. This possibility was dismissed in order to concentrate on the likelihood of a meteor impact.
The search continued but no trace of rock or space junk was found. A communiqué was issued from the Empedrado Prefectture to the barracks at Goya, Bella Vista and Corrientes. By evening, nothing further was known about the matter, according to a report by prefect Andres Ramirez to this newspaper. Ramirez is a subofficer with the national naval institution located on the "Pearl of the Paraná River".
Nor was any information forthcoming from the Saladas Regional Unit of the Corrientes Police. But investigation will proceed until some element is found that can substantiate the report made by the driver, whose name was not released.
Note: the San Lorenzo and Empedrado regions of the Province of Corrientes are on the Paraná River, facing the coastline of Chaco Province.,
Translation (c) 2005, Scott Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Christian Quintero, Planeta UFO.
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