From Scott Corrales
During an early morning skywatch, members of Ciufos-LaPampa” were able to capture images of a strange object in Earth’s upper atmosphere flying across the solar disk.
At the time that the sighting took place, the skies over Santa Rosa, La Pampa (Argentina) were covered by stratocumulus clouds, which allowed for intermittent glimpses of the sun.
This sort of natural filter allowed viewing the sun in plain sight and to detect the presence of an object in front of it, which remained static for a few minutes.
This unexpected and highly unusual event allowed researchers to record the event for some two minutes, after which the object in question disappeared.
Having made the corresponding vidcaps and digitized them, they reveal the presence of a triangular object with greater volume in its central part. A JVC camcorder was employed in this recording. The materials obtained remain in the possession of Ciufos-LaPampa.
Translation © 2005 Scott Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology. Special thanks to Raul Oscar Chaves, CiufosLaPampa. Photo copyright © 2005 Raúl Oscar Chaves.
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