By Nick Pope
I've been involved in several recent features that have promoted British ufology.The first was an interview in the current (May)issue of Bizarre, a somewhat risque magazine that does nonetheless carry some more informative articles from time to time. The interview's on page 114. I also did a double page feature in Take It Easy, colour supplement to The People - a UK national Sunday newspaper. The feature ran last Sunday.
Associated with this were six radio interviews (including British Forces Radio), one of which was syndicated to a further 26 local stations.
The above features were the result of an unusual collaboration between myself and a PR company who had commissioned me to promote the rental release of Species III on DVD and VHS. While some ufologists are uncomfortable about implying a connection between sci-fi and ufology, I take the view that opportunities to promote ufology should be taken when they arise.
Finally, the May issue of the popular science and technology magazine Focus is now available and features a major article on UFOs. I promise it's got nothing to do with me or Species III.
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