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Monday, March 28, 2005
Flying Saucers Returning To Aztec, New Mexico!
By Frank Warren
Friday, April 1st, 2005 will mark the “Eighth Annual UFO Symposium”; it will be held at the “Aztec Convention Center,” located at 101 S. Park - Aztec, New Mexico 87410.
This year’s event will bring back a familiar face in Dennis Balthaser; “The Truth Seeker and renowned Ufologist” from Roswell, New Mexico to be “Master of Ceremonies.”
Dennis is an independent researcher, journalist and lecturer who moved to Roswell in order to pursue his quest; Dennis' focus is the “Roswell Incident”; however, his research extends to investigations of Area 51, underground bases and ancient Egypt.
Dennis is a Certified Mutual UFO Network Field Investigator and belongs to the “Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association, as well as several other “UFO related” organizations.”
Featured speakers include:
Linda Moulten Howe
John Greenewald Jr.
Rob Swiatek
Dr. David Rudiak
Susan Swiatek
Jim Hickman
Moreen Scully
Travis Walton
Scott D Ramsey
Linda Moulton Howe has been a proponent of the “Aztec Incident” for quite some time; she’s an Emmy award winning television producer, reporter and author. She will address “UFO crash retrievals” and the government’s denial/cover-up” of the events.
John Greenwald Jr. (who I like to call “The Kid”) will also be speaking. He is the young man behind the “The Black Vault”; a web-site comprised of more then 181,000 government documents retrieved via FOIA requests. In addition his site has archived has over 10,000 news articles as well 14,000 photographs. He began his UFO trek at the age of “15!” He’s a published author, and at the ripe old age of “23,” he’s in the process of developing a series for TV. He will tackle the “government’s involvement with UFOs-past and present.”
One of the most “hair-raising, factual” accounts of “alien abduction” is that of “Travis Walton,” a former logger whose narrative begins in the mountains of northeastern Arizona back in 1975. His experience was detailed in the hit movie “Fire in The Sky,” and later a book “in his own words” of the same name. The event will be “relived” through his lecture on his experiences.
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