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Monday, March 07, 2005
Advanced Guidance Systems From UFO Flight Patterns and Navigation Systems
India Daily
Staff Reporter
Indian space scientists and technologists closely watch the UFO flight pattern and navigation systems. The extra-terrestrial flight patterns are quite different from terrestrial systems says the experts.
The flight patterns and navigation systems are input into computer models to extrapolate points of disappearances. The computer model uses predictive analysis to interpolate and extrapolate the flight patterns and navigation systems.
The involved engineers do not like to talk. But they do indicate that certain surveillance systems can occasionally view these bizarre flight patterns.
Replicating their navigation systems and flight patterns are impossible. But there are indications that the UFOs change their propulsion systems from optical levels to sonic levels after entering the earth’s atmosphere. After that a new propulsion system, guidance and navigation systems as well as flight pattern are followed.
The scientists in India working on these projects also mention that the UFOs have the capabilities of creating illusions and disappearing into the clouds of electromagnetic flux any time. That complicates the observation and at that point only the complex computational algorithms can only come to help of the technocrats.
In a particular case, an UFO was tracked and followed out of earth’s atmosphere. That follows though extrapolation provided excellent information on efficient guidance, navigation and propulsion systems.
Again the daunting problem is really believing these flight patterns because the extra-terrestrial UFOs can create illusions and virtually disappear any time.
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