Wednesday, September 23, 2020

UFOs, Flying Saucers & Contactees – A Conversation With Johnny Carson and Ray Bradbury - VIDEO

UFOs, Flying Saucers & Contactees – A Conversation With Johnny Carson and Ray Bradbury - VIDEO

     Carson: "The fascination lately ... it goes in cycles, where people become involved again in reported Flying Saucers what's your personal observation? I know what Carl's [Sagan] is and Asimov's on ... you know a lotta people ... how do you explain
By Johnny Carson
The Tonight Show
the people who ... claim they have actually met people and been on spaceships and these are people who seem to be some of them intelligent people that don't seem to be umm making things up, is it ... do they do that, or do you think it's an hallucinatory experience or what?"

Bradbury: “I'm very open, I think most of us are. We uh ...”

Carson: “You have to.”

Bradbury: “Uh, you have to keep your mind totally open. Because uh ...”

Carson: “But you know what I'm saying there are intelligent people who say, 'hey, we were out here, we saw them, we talked,' and yet there's not one shred of what they call hard evidence to support it.”

Bradbury: I guess the way to put it is this: if strange creatures in the last nine years have landed on the moon, and they have, then the other is possible ... creatures coming the other way ...

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