Wednesday, December 18, 2019

UFO Photographed Over El Paso Mystifies Residents

UFO Photographed Over El Paso Mystifies Residents 12-16-19
Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No, it’s…something unusual?
     As an avid sky watcher, I’m always interested in reports of unknown aerial phenomenon. Monday night, was just the type of thing I love. As reports came in of something strange in the skies above east El Paso, I jumped in my car to see if I, too, could spot this UFO.
By Amy Cooley
El Paso Herald

Most of the time, UFO sightings can be attributed a misidentification of the planet Venus, but based on the most reputable report I’d gotten, this was not the case. The object seemed to change color, turning from bright white to red as the sun went down behind the mountains.

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