
Saturday, September 17, 2016

UFO Photographed Near Newton Abbot (UK)

UFO Photographed Near Newton Abbot (UK) 9-15-16
Newton Abbot resident, John Mooner captures on camera what he calls a "blue centred type UFO."

     A NEWTON Abbot man has told of the moment he spotted a UFO in the sky while stargazing on Thursday night.

John Mooner was looking for 'anything out of the ordinary' last night
By Daniel Clark
when he spotted a blue glowing object moving very high up in the night sky.

He believes that what he captured on camera is a blue centred type UFO.

Mr Mooner said: “At first the object kept changing direction, so I know it could not be a satellite. The blue glowing object started to move away getting further and further away.

1 comment :

  1. I have pics of the same object seen over tyhe Newton Abbot sky, cannot seem to upload them though


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