Sunday, February 28, 2016

A History of UFOs Over Guam Skies

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UFO Passes Under Pilot's Plane - Project 10073 Record Card 12-31-1956
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     On New Year’s Day, 1957, a white light appeared from the west and flew beneath 1st Lt. Ted Brunson’s aircraft while he was flying over open ocean near Guam.

Brunson, a member of the 41st Fighter-Inteceptor Squadron at Andersen Air Force Base, gave chase
Cameron Miculka

“He pursued the light; he went after it,” said Ty Brunson, the pilot’s son, in a recent interview.

During the pursuit, Ty Brunson said, his father inverted the aircraft to ensure the light was real and not just a reflection off the plane’s canopy.

“That was a negative; it was definitely an object out there,” said the younger Brunson.

Despite his efforts, Ted Brunson couldn’t catch the mysterious object. He put his plane, an F-86D Sabre, into afterburner, giving the plane some extra thrust. Even then, it wasn’t enough.

“As he thought he was closing in on it, he said the light began to run circles around him,” Ty Brunson said. [...]

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