Saturday, October 03, 2015

UFO Photographed Hovering Near Plush, Oregon

UFO Photographed Hovering Near Plush, Oregon 9-24-15
Credit: MUFON

By Roger Marsh

    An Oregon witness near Plush reported watching a hovering bright, white light that dropped orange lights several times beginning about 9:30 p.m. on September 24, 2015, according to testimony in Case 70932 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness was camped on Beatty’s Butte east of Hart Mountain national antelope refuge while on an off road motorcycle tour.

“We were just going to bed when an extremely bright white light appeared in the western sky as if an aircraft with landing lights was flying directly towards us,” the witness stated. “No sound was heard for the duration of the sighting.”

The witness watched as orange lights began dropping from the object.

“Suddenly, one at a time, bright orange lights dropped out of the area where the bright light had been. The orange lights faded away almost immediately, much faster than a typical flare drop from a military aircraft and much brighter.”

Then the witness noticed the same light in another part of the sky.

“The same image suddenly appeared northwest of the initial sighting. The same bright white light with orange lights dropping out of it happened. The same series of lights appeared again where the original craft had been and one more time to the northwest.” [...]

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