Tuesday, June 17, 2014

John Lennon's Killer was Under the Control of Aliens?

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John Lennon

John Lennon - John Lennon's killer controlled by 'dark' aliens

By www.contactmusic.com
John Lennon's murderer Mark Chapman was under the control of aliens determined to kill the The Beatles musician to stop him spreading messages of peace, extraterrestrial expert Michael C. Luckman has claimed.

     John Lennon's murderer was under the control of ''dark'' aliens determined to eradicate his messages of peace and love, it has been claimed.

The late Beatles legend was assassinated by Mark Chapman outside the Dakota Building in New York City in 1980, with the deranged fan blaming the ''devil'' for his actions.

Extraterrestrial expert Michael C. Luckman believes Lennon was at the centre of a battle between different species of aliens which resulted in his death.

Luckman - author of 'Alien Rock: The Rock 'n' Roll Extraterrestrial Connection' and a forthcoming sequel 'Rock Stars, Hollywood and Alien Contact: Celebrities' Inside Secrets' - claims Lennon was regularly sent messages from intergalactic beings to include in his music with him acting as a vessel for them, something he was able to do because of the way his brain was wired, and at one point Lennon even had a close encounter of the third kind.

The veteran UFO researcher exclusively told BANG Showbiz: ''This is what enabled John Lennon to receive musical messages broadcast from space and compose hit songs celebrating peace, love and freedom. John was the ideal candidate for alien contact. ''Much later on he had two UFO encounters, one which may have involved a meeting with four little grey aliens at the Dakota Apartments in New York City where he lived with Yoko Ono.'' . . .

1 comment :

  1. Do we really believe this article. He was sick mentally. Not from Aliens.


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