
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Enormous, Egg-Shaped UFO Sighted Near Missile Testing Site | UFO CHRONICLE – 1957

Engineer and GIs Sight 500-Foot 'Flying Saucer - Washington Daily News, The 11-5-1957

     An electronics engineer reported seeing an unidentified flying object near Alamogordo in southern New Mexico yesterday.

By The Washington Daily News
James Stokes, 42, an engineer in an upper air research project at the Air Force Missile Development Center near Alsomgordo, said the object appeared yesterday afternoon on U.S. highways 54, between White Sands proving grounds and the Air Force Missile Development Center.

He added the object appeared to be about 500 feet in length, with a shiny surface like mother of pearl.

Earlier in the day, officials at White Sands Proving Grounds said two army patrols reported seeing a similar object or objects on Sunday.

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