Monday, December 30, 2013

UFO Fireball Lights Up Midwest | VIDEO

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UFO Fireball Lights Up Midwest

By Frank Warren
The UFO Chronicles

     UFOs, again were the catalyst for heated deliberation on social media, spilling into the mainstream (as is often the case these days); this time the flare-up started in central Iowa. Residents of the Hawkeye State, along with other Mid-westerner's were treated to a fairly rare (to the person) fireball sighting on Boxing Day no less.

Reports were mixed depending on one’s geography, e.g., some witnesses reported no sound, and others stated they heard one or more sonic booms.

Various astronomy departments as well as the Nation Weather Service, although lean to a meteor, talk of space debris is still in the mix; a definitive report has yet to be seen.

One of the first video’s to surface of the event was from a security camera located in North Liberty, see below:

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