Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Japan UFO Video Mysteriously Deleted From YouTube

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Credit: tutuku tutu / YouTube

Lee Speigel By Lee Speigel
The Huffington Post

     Images from a video are making the rounds, reportedly showing a large glowing UFO flying near a plane over Japan. But the lack of sufficient detailed information about this so-called close encounter raises a few doubts about the whole thing.

The UFO was apparently videotaped by someone from inside a private plane over the Chiba Prefecture Japan region outside of Tokyo. No date of the sighting has been given, even though it's presumed to have occurred at the end of July, when stories began circulating about it.

And then, as quickly as the video was posted to YouTube, the viewing settings were suddenly changed from public to private, with no reasons given. . . .

. . . "The video is several minutes long, with the second segment given over to some unfortunate musical overdubbing," according to news.gather.com. "But the enhanced, slow-motion version, with the image enlarged, proves this is no ordinary aircraft."

The true mystery of this incident is why it was taken down from YouTube so suddenly. Does that point to a hoax or was the videographer suddenly afraid of possible ridicule? . . .

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