Monday, November 02, 2009

Argentina: Resident of La Pampa Stood Under a "Flying Saucer"


By Inexplicata

Dozens of residents of Today shared the event

- Resident of La Pampa said that aside from strolling under the UFO, he was able to see another vehicle in the same area, along with dozens of other locals. This all took place 25 years ago, but he is breaking his silence today

     “I really got under the UFO and was able to see its eye.” This was the phrase that a resident of the Pampean city of Toay used to retell an experience that very few humans have had. The event occurred 25 years ago, but the witness chose to remain silent until now, encouraged by the large number of similar events occurring throughout the country. In his story, the man said that aside from walking under the UFO, he was able to see another strange craft in the same area.

Encouraged by a number of witnesses, the disclosure of the man’s experience was made known by the Centro de Estudios UFO (CEUFO) within the framework of an experience that occured to the north of the city of Toay, 10 km southwest of Santa Rosa, the provincial seat of La Pampa.

CEUFO’s experts explained that the “disk” was some 12 meters in the air, suspended and in silence, according to estimates made by the witnesses who use the flagpole as a reference, which stands some six meters tall. They also added that “the experience was registered by CEUFO on October 19 (2009) and it only seeks to illustrate the considerable number and quality of the cases that take place in that region.”

“A Giant Saucer”

As stated, the witness explained that “many people saw strange things and evil lights, but they generally keep quiet because they are afraid of being dismissed as nuts.”

With regard to his sighting one night in May 1984, he said: “I was leaving my sister’s house and I felt that something was going wrong in the back yard. I felt the sensation that something was pushing me down, or that there was a weight bearing down on me.”

“When I reached a corner, I saw a flying saucer over the neighborhood soccer pitch, over the flagpole. The saucer took up half the street,” he recalls, adding that he returned to the house and asked everyone to come out to see the flying saucer.

At that time he realized that two other locals were watching it. Their respective relatives came outside, and while some became frightened and ran back into their dwellings, others remained and discussed the event with their neighbors. “I was there for a while and had to get home, but my path forced me to go under the flying saucer.”

Overcoming Fear

“Having overcome my fear, I plucked up my courage and started walking, while some neighbors told me to keep still, because I could be taken. When I got to the edge of the disk, I glanced upward with some mistrust and that’s when I saw its eye. At its core there wars a circle that looked the sky, but it was very bright and had a certain fog to it. I stood there watching for a little while and then decided to continue, to call my wife so she could also see it.”

“I got home and we immediately went outside with my wife, but at that time, the saucer began to vibrate and vanished toward the church, which is at the center of town.” The man explains that at the time, both he and other locals witnessed “another flying saucer” some 300 meters from the site, over a water tank. This object also sped toward the church.

Local residents discussed other episodes involving saucer sightings in the area. He decided to make this episode public 25 years later. “I think this information may be useful to those who go around investigating this stuff,” he told CEUFO’s experts.

* (Translation (c) 2009, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Sebastian Aranguren and Patxi La Fata of Diario Popular and Guillermo Gimenez of Planeta UFO)

Source: Diario Popular On-Line

More . . .

See Also:

Argentina: A One Million-Signature Goal





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