Monday, August 18, 2008

FOIA Request re CIA UFO Cover-up

TO: Freedom of Information Manager
Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Washington, DC 20511

FROM: Larry W. Bryant
3518 Martha Custis Drive
Alexandria, VA 22302

DATE: August 13, 2008
John J. Callahan -- a retired U. S. Federal Aviation Administration official (and now also one of several recent UFO-cover-up whistleblowers) -- has publicly revealed his and other FAA employees' participation in a 1987 special meeting at FAA headquarters in Washington, D. C., to discuss and evaluate certain official evidence of the intrusive UFO encounter experienced on Nov. 17, 1986, by the Japanese flight crew (No. 1628) of a 747 cargo jet during that night in Alaskan sky. Also taking part in the 1987 meeting were representatives from President Reagan's scientific staff and three personnel from the U. S. Central Intelligence Agency. At the meeting's conclusion, one of the CIA attenders announced, "This event never happened; we were never here; we're confiscating all this data . . .."

Accordingly, I hereby request that you furnish me a copy of the following CIA-received and CIA-generated records:

(1) As pertain to the convening, attendance roster, briefings, minutes, and all other related documentation of the above-identified meeting;

(2) As pertain to all other similar cases of airborne UFO encounters reportedly occurring since Nov. 17, 1986, to date.

Since I submit this request as a representative of the news media (principally as a columnist for the monthly newsstand periodical "UFO Magazine"), I ask that you waive all records-search/review fees incident to your fulfilling this request. For a sampling of my free-lance publication credits, see the author's blog at .

By snail-mail, I'm sending to you a signed printout of this e-formatted letter.

Director, Washington, D. C., Office of Citizens Against UFO Secrecy

Copies furnished to:

Editor, UFO Magazine

Chairman, Select Committee on Intelligence, U. S. Senate

Chairman, Committee on Science and Technology, U. S. House of Representatives

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