
Saturday, November 30, 2024

UFO Lands Near Minuteman Missile Base – Strike Team Deployed! (1966)

UFO Lands Near Minuteman Missile Base – F-106 Interceptor Scrambled -

Shaw, Chester A. Jr., Major, USAF, Base Director of Operations.

Comments: Capt Smith (Missile Combat Crew Commander) on duty at Missile Site (MIKE FLT) sixty (60) feet underground indicated that radio transmission was being interrupted by static, this static was accompanied by the UFO coming close to Missile Site (MIKE FLT). When UFO climbed, static stopped.

     The UFO appeared to be S.E. of MIKE 6, range undetermined. At 0512z, UFO climbed for altitude after hovering for 15 minutes. South Radar base gave altitude as 100,000 feet, N.W. of Minot AFB, NDak. At this time a strike team reported UFO descending, checked with Radar Site they also verified this.
By Major Chester Shaw

The UFO then began to swoop and dive. It then appeared to land 10 to 15 miles South of MIKE 6. "MIKE 6" Missile Site Control sent a strike team to check. When the team was about 10 miles from the landing sight [sic], static disrupted radio contact with them. Five (5) to eight (8) minutes later, the glow diminished and the UFO took off.

Another UFO was visually sighted and confirmed by radar. The one that was first sighted passed beneath the second. Radar also confirmed this. The first, made for altitude toward the North and the second seemed to disappear with a glow of red. A3C SEDOVIC at South Radar base confirmed this also.

At 0619Z, two and one half (2 1/2) hours after first sighting, an F-106 interceptor was sent up. No contact or sighting was established. The Control Tower asked Aircraft Commander of a KC-135 which was flying in the local area to check the area. He reported nothing. The Radar Site picked up an echo on radar which on checking was the KC-135. No other sightings. At 0645z discontinued search for UFO.

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