Sunday, June 04, 2023

If the Government Has UFO Crash Materials, It’s Time to Reveal Them

Illustration by of Crashed Flying Saucer in the New Mexican Desert

"There are persistent rumors that the U.S. government recovered 'crash materials' from UAP, and even that the government has been working secretly to reverse engineer the technology."

     ince 2017, my life has been dominated by efforts to help Congress and the public discover the truth about unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), what many still refer to as UFOs. I’ve lost count of the number of cities visited, meetings attended, books read, articles written, media appearances and hours
spent on the phone. At the outset, my goal was simply to help our government overcome a glaring intelligence failure. UAP were routinely violating restricted U.S. airspace but these encounters, documented on cockpit videos, weren’t being reported up the military chain of command because of the stigma surrounding this issue. It wasn’t clear if these bizarre craft were Russian, Chinese, extraterrestrial or some combination of the above, but it seemed unacceptable and outrageous that no effort was being made by the intelligence community to alert policymakers or undertake an investigation.

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