Tuesday, September 20, 2022

'Expanding Frontiers Research' is Born

'Expanding Frontiers Research' is Born

Our Mission

     Expanding Frontiers Research is dedicated to sharing information and resources that most effectively embody best research practices. Our organization takes a multi-tiered
Sept. 2022
approach to providing the public reliable information on a broad and diverse range of topics.

Expanding Frontiers Research was primarily born out of the ongoing research collaborations of Erica Lukes and Jack Brewer. A longtime investigative researcher and outspoken activist on a number of social issues, Lukes became increasingly interested in what researchers could discern from special collections of archived material. She sought the able guidance of experienced archivist Barry Greenwood in not only exploring such collections but mentoring her as a curator to amass and properly preserve materials, ultimately for public benefit.

Writer and researcher Jack Brewer sought input from Erica Lukes on a number of occasions with stories he pursued as a blogger and author of nonfiction books. Their investigations led them to independently conclude that relevant information was often obstructed from the public while dubious narratives were spun under questionable circumstances. They became increasingly committed to respecting credible standards of evidence, forming Expanding Frontiers Research, and dedicating the organization to providing reliable information through proven research practices.

Making Change Possible

Expanding Frontiers Research is committed to facilitating the sharing of information, guidance, and similar resources that most effectively embody best research practices. Our organization takes a multi-tiered approach to providing the public reliable information on a broad and diverse range of topics. This approach includes both archiving historic material and presenting original research.

Archiving is conducted for the purposes of preserving historic records and making them accessible. Such records include donated special collections representing the work of UFO investigators, official documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act on numerous subjects, and other materials of interest to researchers and the public at large.

Our organization is additionally dedicated to publishing original research on a wide range of topics. This is accomplished through respecting universally recognized standards of evidence. Such standards and best practices are promoted through our actions, resulting work, public events, and all phases of operation.

Expanding Frontiers Research is a Utah nonprofit corporation. It is tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.

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