Thursday, August 25, 2022

Most Spectacular UFO Photo Ever Captured, Revealed After 32 Years?

Calvine Photo

" ... for the first time, we can reveal that missing picture — a photograph one MoD insider described as the most spectacular UFO picture ever captured ..."
     On August 4, 1990, two young men were working as chefs in a hotel in Pitlochry, a beautiful Highland Perthshire town, just outside the Cairngorms National Park in Scotland.

By David Clarke
The Mail
At 9pm, after a long day in a hot kitchen, they drove about 13 miles north along the A9 to Calvine, a spot on the edge of the Cairngorms, for a walk in the hills.

They hadn’t gone far when they saw a huge, solid, diamond-shaped object, about 100ft long, hovering silently in the sky above them. Terrified, they hid in some bushes and looked up.

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