Stanford Professor Garry Nolan Is Analyzing
Anomalous Materials From
UFO Crashes
... the CIA and some aeronautics corporations ...
had been investigating a number of cases of pilots who'd gotten close to
supposed UAPs and the fields generated by them, as was claimed by the
people who showed up at my office
By Thobey Campion Vice
unannounced one day. There was enough drama around the Atacama skeleton that I
had basically decided to forswear all continued involvement in this area. Then
these guys showed up and said, ‘We need you to help us with this because we want
to do blood analysis and everybody says that you've got the best blood analysis
instrumentation on the planet.’ Then they started showing the MRIs of some of
these pilots and ground personnel and intelligence agents who had been damaged.
The MRIs were clear. You didn't even have to be an MD to see that there was a
problem. Some of their brains were horribly, horribly damaged. And so that's
what kind of got me involved.
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