Those who want to know if the truth is out there
have a new champion in Congress. And he has an urgent message for the
Pentagon: it's time to take UFOs seriously. |
By Bryan Bender
Politico 9-25-21 |
Those who want to know if the truth is out there
have a new champion in Congress. And he has an urgent message for the
Pentagon: it's time to take UFOs seriously. |
By Bryan Bender
Politico 9-25-21 |
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Mellon has that part correct.The Pentagon should not lead on this effort since they fully know what's going on but cannot acknowledge the same.Congress won't take this seriously because as the AF Director already stated in the Bender post:"Its not a threat to the human race.IOW....We will never know or find out more in our lifetime.The stigma remains entrenched and the subject tends to attract entertainment value from the likes of the "Osbornes" for its humor