Monday, March 16, 2020

The Filming of a UFO Shooting a Beam at an Airborne Missile As Recounted By Former Lt. Robert Jacobs | VIDEO

Former Lt. Robert Jacobs Recounts UFO Shooting Beam at Airborne Missile

     ... Jacobs’ account has been entirely corroborated by another officer, retired Major (later Dr.) Florenze J. Mansmann, who carefully studied the Top Secret film at Vandenberg AFB, California prior to its confiscation by CIA agents. Mansmann said that his frame-by-frame analysis of the footage, using a magnifier, revealed that the UFO—which appeared to the unaided eye as small, white dot—was actually a domed, disc-shaped craft that had pivoted on is vertical axis before emitting each beam of light.
Robert Hastings
By Robert Hastings

1 comment :

  1. Why isn't the USAF coming out in support of the Navy? Or, trying to debunk the Navys' claims? This seems a bit strange to be because for many decades they denied any knowledge and evidence related to UFOs/UAPs.


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