Monday, December 23, 2019

'Take UFOs Seriously,' Warns The National Security Agency (NSA)

Take UFOs Seriously (2 of 2) - The National Enquirer 11-27-1979

     In one of the most startling government reports on UFOs ever, America's super-secret National Security Agency (NSA) says UFOs are real–and warns that the country should prepare for a confrontation with space aliens.

By Thomas Muldoon
The National Enquirer
The sensational document - obtained exclusively by The Enquirer - rips aprt the noition that all UFOs are hoaxes or hallucinations.

And once more, the NSA has sounded a bone-chilling alarm:

If America doesn't start taking UFOs seriously, we are leaving ourselves wide-open to the possibility of a Pearl Harbor-type UFO invasion.

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