Thursday, August 15, 2019

Tom DeLonge's, To The Stars Academy's Goal To Raise 30 Million Dollars

Tom DeLonge's, To The Stars Academy's Goal To Raise 30 Million Dollars

Tom DeLonge's, To The Stars Academy's
Goal To Raise 30 Million Dollars

Offering circular

     On 12 July 2019, the To The Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences (TTSA for short) undertook a further filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. As with all these filings, there are always a few new pieces of information.

In this filing, which is an offering circular dated 12 July 2019, we learn:

"We currently work with and intend to employ additional lead engineers from major Department of Defense and aerospace companies with the capability to pursue an advanced engineering approach to fundamental aerospace topics like
Keith Basterfield
By Keith Basterfield
UAp – Scientific Research
Beamed -Energy Propulsion, Space-Time Metrics Engineering and warp drive metrics."

My comment: This is the first time I can recall, that TTSA have mentioned their intention to employ additional engineering staff.

"On September 27, 2017, the company announced an offering pursuant to...raising $1,370,230 before closing on September 28, 2018..."

My comment: This is the first time I can recall, that a figure has been shown, for how much was raised by the first stock offering.

Number of shares on offer

The latest offering is "a maximum of 6,000,000 shares of Class A common stock...The cost price per set at $5.00. The minimum investment is 70 shares or $350."

My comment: If all shares are subscribed to, the result would be an investment of $30,000,000.

1 comment :

  1. So, a few years later, did they, TTSA produce any exotic machinery yet? It turn out to be a con game, like everything else in the so-called, UFO field!


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