Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Was Berwyn Mountains UFO Crash a Failed Military OP?

Was Berwyn Mountains UFO Crash a Failed Military OP?

Self-styled alien investigator Russ Kellett claims
coastguard log 'confirms' exercise took place on night of incident

     A new document has emerged which shows a military exercise was taking place on the night of one of North Wales greatest UFO mysteries.

By Steve Bagnall
The Berwyn Mountains "incident" still provokes debates about what happened on the night of January 23 1974.

Explanations have ranged from a series of coincidences including an earthquake whose epicentre was Bala Lake measuring 3.5 on the Richter scale, a meteor shower and poachers with lamps, to a UFO crashing on the mountain side, with an alien taken away by the military.

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