How do the first UFO sightings of the modern era hold up when viewed through Carl Sagan's "baloney detection kit" from his book The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark? | By Marcia Wendorf interestingengineering.com 5-19-19 |
In the book, Sagan described what he called his "baloney detection kit," which consisted of constructing a reasoned argument and recognizing a fallacious one. To identify a fallacious argument, Sagan suggested utilizing these six steps:
1. Independent confirmation of facts
2. Debate
3. Development of different hypotheses
4. Quantification
5. The possibility of falsehood
6. Occam's razor.
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See Also:
Pseudo-Science of Anti-Ufology
"The Science Behind UFOs" – Stanton Friedman Lambastes Phil Plait & Astronomy Magazine in Open Letter!
UFOs & Science: If One Can't Attack the Data, Attack the People - It's Easier!
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