Monday, September 17, 2018

Solar Observatory Shut Down: Did Researchers Spot Extraterrestrials?

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National Solar Observatory - New Mexico
The National Solar Observatory in Sunspot, N.M. The facility has been closed since it was evacuated on Sept. 6. In a state known for secretive military testing and a suspected UFO crash, the incident has spawned a great deal of speculation.
A solar observatory in New Mexico is evacuated for
a week and the FBI is investigating. No one will say why.
     SUNSPOT, N.M. — At a small solar observatory tucked away in the woods of a national forest here, scientists and other personnel were commanded last week to leave at once. A week later, the facility remains vacant, and no one is willing to say why.
By Robert Moore & Matt Zapotosky
The Washington Post

The mysterious and lengthy evacuation, in a state known for secretive military testing and a suspected UFO crash, has spawned a wealth of speculation.

Did the researchers spot something extraterrestrial? ...

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