Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee is Focus of Capitol Hill Newspaper

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The Congressional Hearing Initiative

UFO Activist to Capitol Hill: ‘Beam Me Up!’

By Warren Rojas

   Stephen Bassett, executive director of Paradigm Research Group and founder of the Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee (X-PPAC), has devoted the past 18 years to overcoming the “truth embargo” about government involvement in alien affairs.

He’s now ready for Congress to officially weigh in.

. . . Bassett laid the groundwork for his latest congressional outreach a few years back, hosting a 30-plus-hour mock hearing (spanning five days) at the National Press Club in 2013. He had copies of the recorded sessions of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure delivered to every Capitol Hill office — a bundle containing 10 DVDs, a letter signed by the participating witnesses and a request to meet with Bassett — immediately following the midterm elections. . . .


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