Monday, May 26, 2014

Cache of Top Secret UFO Documents Received, Claims Greer | UFO NEWS

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Cache of Top Secret UFO Documents Received, Claims Greer

Ufologist Greer announces possible leak of sensitive docs; critics skeptical

By Jack Brewer
Orlando Paranormal Examiner

     Dr. Steven Greer announced yesterday he received photos of alleged classified government documents related to Project Aquarius, a purported operation involving the retrieval of crashed extraterrestrial spacecraft and occupants. Greer stated the photos were received May 21. He tweeted yesterday they were "received in mail".

Greer reported the photos were sent by a person with contacts in what he described as covert aerospace and military projects related to UFOs. The person is a credible and reliable source, Greer added.

Photos of the documents posted by Greer suggested they involved briefing the Majestic 12, an alleged deeply classified group of elite intelligence officials dubbed MJ-12. Stories of the unconfirmed group and its purported activities have long circulated throughout the UFO community. The tales were fueled by documents published long ago and obtained under questionable circumstances. . . .

. . . Greer is largely considered on the difficult to accept fringe, even within a UFO community that traditionally offers a lot of tolerance for unsubstantiated claims. . . .


1 comment :

  1. Well that's just dandy, but what about the pile of files we discovered in a RAAF base in Australia, concerning UFO data and "visits", the missing "Valentich" plane, the officers in Aussie military connected with Presario San Francisco?
    There is so much about that nobody knows or cares.


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