William Shatner was a guest on Larry King Now on Wednesday, April 23.
In this episode, the eighty-three-year-old actor, author, musician, and comedian speaks with King about a variety of topics including the cinematic showing of his one-man show, technology, the environment, and wine, among other things. The two also discuss a book about UFOs and alien abduction on which Shatner is currently working.
Shatner does not really provide any details about this book, but when King asks him about it, Shatner brings up famed Harvard psychiatrist and alien abduction researcher, John Mack. Shatner explains that Mack “was given, by a friend of his, the opportunity to interview some of the people who said that we’ve been abducted by UFOs. After two hundred interviews, he concluded that they were right.” . . .
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See Also:
William Shatner Talks UFOs & Alien Abduction on Larry King Now | VIDEO
A Harvard Scientist Who Took Extra-Terrestrial Abduction Seriously
Celebrity Alien / UFO Encounters
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