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Archaeology | No evidence of aliens helping ancient cultures
By Bradley T. Lepper
Did aliens visit Earth in ancient times? It’s possible.
The late Carl Sagan once argued that there was a “statistical likelihood that Earth was visited by an advanced extraterrestrial civilization at least once during historical times.”
A statistical likelihood is one thing. Is there any reliable evidence that any such thing ever actually happened?
None whatsoever.
So why do 2 out of 4 Americans believe there are signs that aliens have visited Earth in the past? I think there are two reasons. First and most fundamentally, when most people see a wonder of the ancient world, such as the Egyptian pyramids, they can’t imagine how our so-called primitive ancestors possibly could have built it. . . .
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See Also:
Aliens Visited Earth; Base On Moon Probable, said Carl Sagan
Astronomer Carl Sagan in His Last Interview Makes Dire Warning | VIDEO
Earth Has Had Space Visitors – a Mathmatical Probability, says Young Carl Sagan
Superspacemen May Have Visited Earth, Said Carl Sagan
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