Sunday, December 08, 2013

Driver Arrested in Police Chase After “Dodging UFO”

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Driver Arrested in Police Chase After “Dodging UFO”


     A truck driver who led Russian police on a high-speed chase along a cross-national motorway was arrested on Wednesday on the М1 road over a crazed punctured-tire ride across the lanes. . . .

. . . The driver, a Belarusian citizen from the city of Mogilev, turned out to be high on the so-called “synthetic cannabis,” also known as Spice. A man in the passenger seat appeared to be intoxicated as well.

The driver claimed he had been trying to dodge a flying saucer. The two were brought to the nearby police office, where they confessed they had bought and consumed the drug, which is a herbal incense sprayed with synthetic chemicals, during their Moscow stay. . . .

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