Thursday, October 31, 2013

Strange Triangular UFO in NASA Photo Identified

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Strange Triangular UFO in NASA Photo Identified


      No one was saying it was an alien, but this photo has been going around again – it showed up on one of our Facebook feeds -- which is random enough since none of us is a UFO buff. But it caused at least one other publication to wonder – UFO?

We thought we’d have some fun and sent an email to NASA and had a headline in mind. … you know, we’ve all seen things in the sky that make us wonder just what the hell it could have been. And NASA takes awhile to write back sometimes …

Here’s what the story published on Oct. 16 on the “Collective Evolution” site says about the image:
“This photo comes directly from The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth, a government website operated by NASA … Here is the homepage, as you can see it has a .gov URL and is currently not up to date due to the fact that it’s a government website, and the government is currently shutdown. It’s very interesting that they would allow a photo like this to be put up on the website. … [In bold] Please keep in mind that a UFO stands for “Unidentified Flying Object.” I am not claiming that this particular UFO is extraterrestrial in origin …”
The writer then goes on to link to two astronauts who have spoken about UFOs and a brief video to introduce the uninitiated to the whole UFO scene … all three are in the gallery above.

Here’s the pertinent information from that Gateway page:
Mission: STS61C Roll: 31 Frame: 2 Mission ID on the Film or image: 61-C

Country or Geographic Name: ATLANTIC OCEAN

So, space junk?

But then our keen journalistic instincts kicked in and we found an “answer.” . . .

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