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. . . Like the character in his book, Bouton researched UFO sightings and alien abductions for more than a year in order to gather information for the book. He traveled to Roswell and interviewed the director of the Roswell UFO Museum, whose father claimed to have seen two dead alien creatures on stretchers after a circular disk-like aircraft crashed at Roswell in 1947.
Bouton said he was “startled” by what he heard and read: a UFO was sighted over a U.S. missile silo base and suddenly the missiles became inoperable; a UFO was sighted over a missile silo in Russia and, without warning or orders, the missiles were activated for a strike against the United States; documented alien abductions; and the body of an alien — about four feet tall, skinny, with an oversized almond-shaped head and hands with four fingers — killed in the Roswell crash was housed at Fort Riley while it was being transported from Fort Bliss in Texas to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio. . . .
Continue Reading . . .
See Also:
UFO Hacker’s Mother Writes Book on 10 Year Battle to Avoid US Extradition
Chile: Controversial Book Declassifies UFO Phenomenon
CIA Veteran Claims Knowledge of Roswell-Alien Cover-up
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