Saturday, August 10, 2013

Mass Dolphin deaths Along Coast Prompt NOAA Alert

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Mass Dolphin deaths Along Coast Prompt NOAA Alert - August 2013

By Mary Beth Cleavelin
The Virginian-Pilot

      The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration declared an Unusual Mortality Event on Thursday in response to an increase in dolphin deaths in the Mid-Atlantic.

To recognize an event as unusual, it must meet at least one of seven criteria set by NOAA, including a marked change in morbidity or strandings compared to previous years.

Virginia has borne the brunt of the strandings, with 49 in July and more than 100 total to date this year. New York, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland have also seen an increase in dolphin deaths.

With the declaration of a UME, additional funding through the National Contingency Fund is now available, and an independent team of scientists will investigate and develop a response plan. This step may take months or years, according to the release.

Scientists are still searching for answers as to why the dolphins have washed up dead in the affected states. No obvious signs of entanglement or gashes have been noted. . . .


  1. From a meditation session I had, I learned that the use of HAARP for research by Oil Companies are the root cause for these species to beach themselves. Other factors are some sort of energy radiation emitted by Nuclear submarines that has encroached their territories. Other include all types od sonar devices ships and research scientists has been pounding into the ocean. Its annoying for them to stay underwater.

  2. All dolphins breed in Japan and yet no American "researcher" can possibly think of any reason why they would all be dying of various illnesses?

    Ever met a chemo patient?

  3. I recently saw shocking video about the "worst ever disaster to befall human kind and planet Earth", Fukushima, and how the media are completely quiet about this, and there is information suppression in Japan. This is VERY hard issue for me to face. I feel at a loss with the insanity in control of this world! But the other night I was shudderingly thinking about Dolphins in the oceans, and how this horrendous toxic leakage of nuclear radiiactive pollution coming from Fukushima must be affwecting them and other woldlife, and it is SO painful for me to think about this but i will NOT fuking hide like other people are doing. There has to be a MASSIVE wake up to what is happening!!!


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