Saturday, August 03, 2013

Look-Alike UFOs Videotaped Over Two States | VIDEO

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UFOs Captured on Video Over TucsonResident Records UFOs over Kansas City

Look-Alike UFOs Videotaped Over Missouri And Arizona (VIDEO)

Lee Speigel By Lee Speigel
The Huffington Post

      Whatever it was over the skies of Tucson, Ariz. and Kansas City, Mo., eyewitnesses in both cities agree -- it was quite a show.

Unusual displays of lights were reported in both cities on Saturday night, giving rise to UFO chatter.

According to one eyewitness, identified as Cbazz on YouTube: "My family and I witnessed these strange amber lights in Tucson on our way home from dinner. There were seven or eight of them crossing the sky, some solo and others in pairs flying very, very close together.

Several eyewitnesses saw and videotaped similar objects in the sky -- but this time, they were flying over Kansas City, Mo.

"Not for sure what they are, but I got several videos of them and pics. Looks like a UFO fleet!?" wrote YouTube poster jemnich1, who was contacted by another witness, GoGraveside, who sent this message on YouTube: "I really hope you get to investigate this incident. I was in the same vicinity and recorded the same lights on my cell phone. There were 3 additional passengers in my vehicle at the time who witnessed the 'lights' as well."

So, what were these folks looking at from different parts of the country? Or does it just get buried in those numerous reports that are never adequately explained?


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