
Friday, August 09, 2013

A UFO in Florida Caught On Camera? | VIDEO

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A UFO in Florida - August 2013


      NAPLES, Fla. - A video showing lights hovering over a pool has sparked talk of a possible UFO, according to video from WBBH.

Security officer Debralee Thomas was watching the camera feed from behind a Gulfshore Boulevard condo building just across the street from Venetian Village when she noticed strange lights swoop in over the pool.

At first glance, what she saw almost looked like a saucer-shaped object up top. Then the object went down into the pool and expanded like a web -- moving back and forth.

After nearly 30 minutes, the object started to disappear.

"It was down on the ground but some of that webbing was longer and it made a funnel down into the pool. Whatever it was doing in the pool, I don't know," Thomas tells WBBH.

The video was sent to MUFON, a UFO organization in Ohio, and officials there said they don't believe it was a hoax, the video says.


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